General Information


Friday, September 27, 2024
Northeastern University
Chair and Local Arrangements:
Chris Martens and Minsung Cho
Speaker Selection Committee:
Chris Martens (Northeastern), Anitha Gollamudi (UMass Lowell), Nada Amin (Harvard)
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All the abstracts

10:00-10:20Cobblestone: Iterative Automation for Formal Verification
Emily First (UC San Diego)
10:20-10:40Automated Program Repair, What Is It Good For? Not Absolutely Nothing!
Hadeel Eladawy (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Claire Le Goues(Carnegie Mellon University), Yuriy Brun (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
10:40-11:00Sike: Static Analysis For The Shell
Anirudh Narsipur (Brown University)
11:00-11:15Short Break
11:15-11:35Eventually, Understanding: An Adaptive Tutor for Linear Temporal Logic
Siddhartha Prasad (Brown University), Ben Greenman (University of Utah), Tim Nelson (Brown University), Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
11:35-11:55Sound and Partially-Complete Static Analysis of Data-Races in GPU Programs
Dennis Liew (University of Massachusetts Boston)
11:55-12:10Work-in-Progress: An SMT-Based, Correct-by-Construction Place-and-Route Framework
Edward Wang (MIT)
13:15-13:35A Verified Foreign Function Interface Between Coq and C
Joomy Korkut (Princeton University and Bloomberg L.P.)
13:35-13:55On Compositionality in Hardware Pipeline Design
Rishiyur S. Nikhil (Bluespec, Inc.)
13:55-14:15You can't think about thinking without thinking about thinking about MEMO!
Kartik Chandra (MIT)
14:15-14:45Coffee/Tea Break
14:45-15:05A Transactions Extension for WebAssembly
Eliot Moss (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
15:05-15:25Metamorph: Synthesizing Large Objects from Dafny APIs
Alexander Bai (Tufts University)
15:25-15:45How (Not) To Evaluate the Human Factors of PLs
Will Crichton (Brown University)
15:45-16:00Business Meeting

Last modified Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 8:29:17am