General Information


Friday, June 2, 2017
UMass Lowell
Jay McCarthy (UMass Lowell)
Speaker Selection Committee:
Gabriel Scherer (Northeastern), Max New (Northeastern), Jay McCarthy (UMass Lowell), and Arjun Guha (UMass Amherst)


All the abstracts

10:00-10:20Measuring Reticulated Python
Ben Greenman (Northeastern University)
10:20-10:45Static Detection of Event-based Races in Android Apps
Yongjian Hu (UC Riverside) and Iulian Neamtiu (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
10:45-11:00Fairness Testing
Sainyam Galhotra (UMass Amherst)
11:00-11:20Generic Coq Library for Certified Static Checking of Module-like Language Constructs
Julia Belyakova (Southern Federal University, Russia)
11:20-11:35Finding Optimal Schedules for Generational Garbage Collectors
Nicholas Jacek (UMass Amherst)
11:35-12:00Decomposition Instead of Self-Composition for Proving the Absence of Timing Channels
Paul Gazzillo (Yale University)
13:30-13:45Gradual Types for Objects Redux
Benjamin Chung (Northeastern University)
13:45-14:00Web-based Debugging for Free
Sam Baxter and Rachit Nigam (UMass Amherst)
14:00-14:15Artifacts for Semantics: An OCaml Experiment
Daniel Patterson (Northeastern University)
14:45-15:10Copattern-matchings and first-class observations at Work
Paul Laforgue (Northeastern University & Diderot University)
15:10-15:25Automated System Configuration Repair
Aaron Weiss (UMass Amherst)
15:25-15:40Tracking the Provenance of Machine Learning Models
Nathan Ricci (Microsoft)
15:40-15:55Debugging Memory Safety Errors in Memory Managers
Karl Cronburg (Tufts University)
16:00-16:15Brief Business Meeting

Last modified Friday, June 2nd, 2017 8:50:14pm