Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 Venue: Williams College, Williamstown, MA Speaker Selection: Kim Bruce, Alex Garthwaite, and Assaf Kfoury Local Arrangements: Kim Bruce
All the abstracts
10:00-11:00New Models for Numerical Computing in the Java Programming LanguageGuy L. Steele, Jr. (Sun Microsystems)11:00-11:30Conservation and Uniform Normalization in Lambda Calculi with Erasing ReductionsPeter Møller Neergaard (Boston University)11:30-12:00Analyzing Trace and Program DataSteve Reiss (Brown University)12:00-01:00Lunch01:00-01:45Real-Time FRPPaul Hudak (Yale University)01:45-02:15Rupiah: Towards an Expressive Static Type System for JavaNate Foster (Williams College)02:15-02:45Break02:45-03:15Modular Verification of Layered Software SystemsKathi Fisler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University) and Don Batory (University of Texas at Austin)03:15-03:45Functional Polytypic ProgrammingPatrik Jansson (visiting Northeastern University from Chalmers University)03:45-04:15It Pays to be PersistentDina Goldin (University of Massachusetts, Boston), Scott Smolka (SUNY Stony Brook), Peter Wegner (Brown University)