![]() E P L S | These abstracts are for talks at this event. NEPLS is a venue for ongoing research, so the abstract and supplemental material associated with each talk is necessarily temporal. The work presented here may be in a state of flux. In all cases, please consult the authors' Web pages for up-to-date information. Please don't refer to these pages as a definitive source. The Architecture of a World-Wide Distributed Repository
to Support Fine-Grained Sharing of Source Code There has been an explosion in free software over the past few years. Vehicles like FSF, GNU, CVS, RPM, Linux, and freshmeat.net allow programmers to share hundreds of millions of lines of source code. These vehicles, however, support only coarse-grained source-code sharing. The unit of sharing is a complete package. And packages are monolithic. About the only thing one can easily do with packages obtained from such vehicles is install them. While a package might contain a collection of procedures and type declarations that implement some functionality that a programmer might wish to reuse in a different system, it is difficult to find which package contains that functionality, extract that functionality from its original package, and import it into a new system. In this talk, I present a new vehicle, called October, that is designed to support fine-grained source-code sharing: sharing at the level of individual procedure and type declarations. Unlike CVS, which allows many people to share in the development of the same system, October allows many people to share in the development of different systems. October is organized like the Web. Instead of Web pages there are top-level definitions. Top-level definitions are stored in a distributed repository implemented by October servers that are analogous to Web servers. They are viewed and manipulated by October browsers that are analogous to Web browsers. October servers and browsers communicate via the October protocol which plays the role of HTTP and allows different server and browser implementations to interoperate. The October protocol is designed from the start with support for searching, caching, mirroring, and load balancing. These play the role of search engines, proxy servers, and Web caches. Search is currently based on string matching, though future plans call for type-based search supported by local and global type inference built into the October protocol and implemented by the October servers. Top-level definitions are stored as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) which play the role of HTML. Instead of URLs there are version locators. Top-level definitions are hyperlinked via embedded version locators. When building an executable, the browser crawls the repository to fetch all top-level definitions referenced directly or indirectly by the top-level definition being built. October is designed to be programming-language and programmer-preference neutral. It is neither a new programming language nor a new compiler. Rather, it supports existing programming languages and compilers. Just as the Web supports different document styles via DTDs, October supports different programming languages and programmer preferences via programming language definitions (PLDs). A novel aspect of PLDs is that they separate the definition of the abstract syntax for a given language from the mapping between abstract and concrete syntax. This allows users to configure their browsers to dynamically render the code they view in a different concrete syntax according to their personal preference. PLDs are currently written to support Scheme, C, and Java. The overall goal of October is to boost world-wide programmer productivity by encouraging an unprecedented degree of source-code sharing, shifting the prevalent mode of programming from implementation to augmentation. In this talk, I will describe how October is designed to support this goal, discuss how this goal motivates and influences the creation of a new infrastructure, present some of the technical problems and design tradeoffs addressed so far while creating this infrastructure, and give a live demo of the prototype implementation of October. Solving Regular Path Queries Regular path queries are a way of declaratively specifying program analyses as a kind of regular expressions that are matched against paths in graph representations of programs. These and similar queries are useful for other path analysis problems, such as model checking, as well. This talk describes the precise specification, derivation, and analysis of an efficient algorithm and implementation for solving regular path queries. We start with a specification that corresponds rather directly to the English description of the problem, apply rules that capture some common knowledge at a high level, and then apply program transformations that are centered around Paige's finite differencing (i.e., incremental computation) techniques. This formal derivation allows us to analyze the time and space complexity of the implementation precisely in terms of size parameters of the graph and the deterministic finite automaton that corresponds to the regular expression. In particular, the time and space complexity is linear in the size of the graph. We also prove that the problem is PSPACE-complete in terms of the size of the regular expression. In applications such as program analysis, the size of the graph may be very large, but the size of the regular expression is small and can be considered a constant. This is joint work with Fuxiang Yu. Speaker's SupplementA paper describing part of this work appeared in MPC'02 (Mathematics of Program Construction, Dagstuhl, Germany, July 2002). It can be found at ftp://ftp.cs.sunysb.edu/pub/liu/RegPathQ-MPC02.ps.gz Better Abstraction via Race Freedom The design of multithreaded programs is particularly prone to errors due to subtle interactions between threads. Currently, specification methodologies are unable to express complex synchronization mechanisms, and verification tools are unable to scale to large programs. We present a specification and verification methodology with a supporting checker to overcome these limitations. First, we develop a general mechanism for describing mutually exclusive access to shared variables. Each shared variable in a program is annotated with a predicate stating the condition under which a thread may assume exclusive access to that variable. We define a program to be race-free when every thread respects these assumptions. Further, to support verification of large programs, our methodology checks each procedure called by a thread modularly, using only the specifications of other procedures. A procedure specification is an abstract program that captures all possible behaviors of a thread executing that procedure in a race-free environment. We present a method to modularly check that every procedure is race-free and satisfies its specification. We have implemented our method in Calvin, a static checker for multithreaded Java programs. To validate our methodology, we have used Calvin to check a number of important properties for a file system. Our experience shows that requirements for complex multithreaded systems can be intuitively stated and verified in our framework. This is joint work with Shaz Qadeer (Systems Research Center, HP Labs). Statically Type-Safe Virtual Types in Object-Oriented Languages The virtual class construct was introduced in the language Beta to provide for a mechanism similar to that of parametric polymorphism. Unfortunately, the virtual class construct in Beta is not statically type-safe (though it is dynamically safe because of run-time checks). In this paper we show how a generalization of the semantics of object-oriented languages with a MyType construct led to the discovery of a variant of virtual classes which need no run-time checks. This results in an object-oriented language in which both parametric and virtual types are well-integrated, and which is statically type-safe. This is joint work with Joe Vandervaart at Carnegie Mellon University. Static Use-Based Object Confinement The confinement of object references within protection domains is a significant security concern in languages such as Java. Aliasing and other features of OO languages can make this a difficult task; recent work has focused on the development of type systems for enforcing various confinement mechanisms in the presence of these features. We describe a new language and type system for the implementation of object confinement mechanisms that is more general than previous systems, and which is based on a distinct ``use-based'' notion of security enforcement. The language model has sufficient generality to be applicable to a variety of systems, allowing our system to serve as a foundation for studying object confinement in OO languages. The type system further enhances security, by providing a declarative statement of security policies, and by improving run-time efficiency through static, rather than dynamic, enforcement of security. To develop these types, we use a transformational method that allows re-use of pre-existing type systems and implementations-- in particular, row types and conditional constraints. This saves significant effort in the proof of type safety for our system, and allows us to easily define and implement an accurate, flexible type system that is founded on, and benefits from, extensive previous work. This is joint work with Scott Smith, Johns Hopkins University. Speaker's SupplementIf you would like to see the paper itself, it is available at: http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~ces/papers/skalka-smith-fcs02.ps StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications High-performance streaming applications represent a new and distinct domain of programs that is becoming increasingly important. Within this domain, the StreamIt language is designed to satisfy two criteria: first, it ought to provide high-level abstractions that improve programmer productivity, and second, it should be amenable to straightforward compiler analyses for achieving high performance. While these goals are often conflicting in the design of programming languages, the salient features of StreamIt are beneficial to both ends. These features include the notion of an autonomous "filter" as the basic stream component, a structured model of filter composition, a messaging system for control, and a hierarchical re-initialization mechanism. In order to express a streaming computation, a set of filters must be assembled into a stream graph. Rather than allowing the user to construct an arbitrary network of filters, StreamIt provides three pre-defined stream structures that can be to construct hierarchical stream graphs. The comparison of StreamIt's structure with arbitrary stream graphs could be likened to the difference between structured control flow and GOTO statements. Though sometimes the structure restricts the expressiveness of the programmer, the gains in robustness, readability, and compiler analysis are immense. StreamIt also provides a dynamic messaging system for passing irregular, low-volume control information between non-neighboring filters. The most apparent difference between a message and a traditional function call is that a message is asynchronous--there is no return value associated with a message, and the callee can continue to execute while the message is en route. However, StreamIt also provides a sophisticated message timing system so that an asynchronous message can be delivered precisely in terms of the flow of data through the stream graph. This messaging system can also be combined with the hierarchical structure of StreamIt to give a unified framework for morphing sub-sections of the stream depending on runtime demands. This is joint work with Michael Gordon, Michal Karczmarek, David Maze, and Saman Amarasinghe at MIT. Supporting Binary Compatibility with Static Compilation There is an ongoing debate in the Java community on whether statically compiled implementations can meet the Java specification on dynamic features such as binary compatibility. Static compilation is sometimes desirable because it provides better code optimization, smaller memory footprint, more robustness, and better intellectual property protection.Unfortunately, none of the existing static Java compilers support binary compatibility, because it incurs unacceptable performance overhead. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective solution which handles all of the binary-compatibility cases specified by the Java Language Specification. Our experimental results using an implementation in the GNU Java compiler shows that the performance penalty is on average less than 2%. Besides solving the problem for static compilers, it is also possible to use this technique in JIT compilers to achieve an optimal balance point between static and dynamic compilation. This is joint work with Zhong Shao and Valery Trifonov. Speaker's SupplementMore information about this paper can be found at http://flint.cs.yale.edu/flint/publications/bincomp.html |
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